I Solve Problems

I'm Bryce, a technological, highly adaptable leader with real experience. My work has taken me through roles as an elected official, full-stack developer, system administrator, and more. I'm frequently called in to complete jobs others have been unable to do.
I've graduated UW's Informatics program and after a gap summer, and am now employed with Mercedes-Benz Research and Development. My educational background covers programming, science, technology, communication, politics, statistics, IT security, and design.
I have great 'soft skills' as well: I'm personable, down-to-Earth, communicative, attentive to detail, and skilled at ideation. I operate well in fuzzily-defined roles, can keep track of a variety of tasks, and take pride in completing goals completely and thoroughly.
Document Showcase

Process Book
This Process Book details the design of DRiver, a carpool assistant application. DRiver was aimed at students, gathering their schedule data and organizing carpools automatically.
Expo Video
The team also put together a 3 minute video from the point of view of a student using our service. We received high marks for incorporating humor tastefully.
View my Résumé
I'm always up for a challenge, and currently hunting for a great opportunity. Feel free to reach out.
- Email (Preferred): BryceKolton@live.com
- Phone: (425) 698-7027
- Facebook: Bryce.Kolton
- LinkedIn: Bryce Kolton
- GitHub: BBKolton
- Twitter: @StableEagle